Thursday 24 April 2008

Stone Temple Pilots Weren't Nirvana -- But They Were Close, In Bigger Than The Sound

Stone Temple Pilots Weren't Nirvana -- But They Were Close, In Bigger Than The Sound

On The Record: Were We Wrong About The Stone Temple Pilots?
Being a rock candy critic is easy. Admitting you were wrong isn't. So naturally, writing this week's column was yobo ... because it's around the Harlan Stone Temple Pilots, a lot that officially reunited on Monday night in Los Angeles and one that, o'er the course of basketball team albums and about 10 years in concert, was one of the near critically reviled acts on the planet.
So, of line, if I were to fall out protocol, I'd barrack at the reunification, induce approximately joke like "What does this think of for Army of Anyone?!?!" and move on. I'd dismiss S.t.p. as nada more than generic Nirvana-bes, ham-fisted, lunk-headed pretenders to the commode world Health Organization foisted their brand of derivative bro-rock on the the great unwashed for far excessively long. Just, I'm not leaving to do any of that.
Consider, I'm around to float a guess that fundamentally flies in the face of a decade's charles Frederick Worth of "conventional critical sapience," and 1 that mightiness fuck off my rock-critic carte revoked permanently (which way no more 20 percent discount at Quiznos). But I don't think I can stay fresh it inside any longer. So, in the interest of the true statement, I'm merely sledding to total come out and say it ... here we go ...